21 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to establish the repertoire and distribution of verbal and adverbial exponents of epistemic modality in English- and Polish-language judgments passed by the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and non-translated judgments passed by the Supreme Court of Poland (SN). The study applies a model for categorizing exponents of epistemicity with regard to their (i) level (high-, medium- and low-level of certainty, necessity or possibility expressed by the markers; primary dimension), (ii) perspective (own vs. reported perspective), (iii) opinion (based either on facts or beliefs) and (iv) time (the embedding of epistemic markers in sentences relating to the past, present or future) (contextual dimensions). It examines the degree of intra-generic convergence of translated EU judgments and non-translated national judgments in terms of the employment of epistemic markers, as well as the degree of authoritativeness of judicial argumentation, and determines whether the frequent use of epistemic markers constitutes a generic feature of judgments. The research material consists of a parallel corpus of English- and Polish-language versions of 200 EU judgments and a corpus of 200 non-translated domestic judgments. The results point to the high salience and differing patterns of use of epistemic markers in both EU and national judgments. The frequent use of high-level epistemic markers boosts the authoritativeness of judicial reasoning.Celem pracy jest ustalenie zasobu i dystrybucji czasownikowych i przysłówkowych wykładników modalności epistemicznej w angielsko- i polskojęzycznych tłumaczeniach wyroków Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE (CJEU) i nietłumaczonych wyrokach Sądu Najwyższego RP (SN). W badaniu wykorzystano model kategoryzacji wykładników modalności epistemicznej pozwalający na ich klasyfikację ze względu na (i) intensywność (wysoką, średnią bądź niską, tj. stopień pewności, konieczności albo prawdopodobieństwa wyrażany przez poszczególne wykładniki; wymiar podstawowy), (ii) perspektywę (własną bądź przytaczaną), (iii) opinię (opartą na faktach albo przekonaniu), a także (iv) czas (przeszły, teraźniejszy, przyszły) (wymiary kontekstowe). Badanie miało na celu ustalenie wewnątrzgatunkowego stopnia dopasowania tłumaczonych wyroków unijnych do nietłumaczonych wyroków krajowych pod względem występowania wykładników modalności epistemicznej, określenie stopnia autorytatywności argumentacji sędziowskiej oraz stwierdzenie, czy częste występowanie wykładników stanowi cechę gatunkową wyroków. Materiał badawczy obejmuje równoległy korpus 200 wyroków unijnych przetłumaczonych na język angielski i polski oraz korpus 200 wyroków krajowych. Wyniki badania wskazują na istotną wagę wykładników o wysokiej intensywności zarówno w wyrokach unijnych, jak i krajowych. Stwierdzono, że częste użycie wykładników modalności epistemicznej o wysokiej intensywności podnosi poziom autorytatywności argumentacji sędziowskiej

    Profil naukowy i bibliografia dr hab. Łucji Biel, prof. ucz.

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    This article consists of two sections. The first outlines the research profile of Dr hab. Łucja Biel, Prof. ucz., a Polish linguist recognised nationwide and internationally who specializes in the analysis of legal varieties of Polish and English in the context of legal translation studies, corpus linguistics and translator training. The second part contains a detailed list of publications (co-)authored or co-edited by Łucja Biel and published between 2004 and 2022.Niniejszy artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza z nich przedstawia w zarysie profil naukowy dr hab. Łucji Biel, prof. ucz., językoznawczyni o dorobku uznanym zarówno w Polsce, jak i za granicą, specjalizującej się w analizie prawnych odmian języka polskiego i angielskiego w kontekście badań nad przekładem prawnym i prawniczym, językoznawstwa korpusowego oraz kształcenia tłumaczy. Druga część artykułu zawiera szczegółowy spis publikacji, których prof. Biel jest (współ)autorką lub współredaktorką, wydanych między 2004 r. a 2022 r


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    Artykuł ma na celu zbadanie dystrybucji przyimków prostych, złożonych i wtórnych w wyrokach unijnych (na podstawie korpusu wyroków Trybunału Sprawiedliwości i Sądu) i krajowych (na podstawie korpusu wyroków Sądu Najwyższego) na tle ogólnego języka polskiego (zrównoważona wersja Narodowego Korpusu Języka Polskiego), a także analizę funkcji przyimków złożonych i wtórnych. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły hipotezę, iż wysoka częstość występowania przyimków w  wyrokach na tle reprezentatywnej próby ogólnego języka polskiego stanowi ich swoistą cechę gatunkową. Ponadto stwierdzono, że profil frazeologiczny wyroków unijnych w zakresie dystrybucji przyimków i ich poszczególnych funkcji różni się od profilu wyroków krajowych. Może to  być wynikiem wpływu procesu tłumaczenia na kształt tekstów docelowych, a także zakresu kompetencji sądów unijnych i sądu krajowego, które wpływają na tematykę wydawanych wyroków.The article aims to examine the distribution of simple, complex and secondary prepositions in EU judgments (based on a corpus of judgments of the Court of Justice and the General Court) and domestic judgments (based on a corpus of judgments of the Polish Supreme Court) against general Polish (based on a balanced version of the Polish National Corpus), and to analyze the functions of complex and secondary prepositions. The results confirmed the hypothesis that the high distribution of prepositions in judgments against a representative sample of general Polish is a generic feature of judgments. In addition, it was established that the phraseological profile of EU judgments differs from the profile of national judgments in terms of the distribution of prepositions and their specific functions. This may be the result of the impact of the translation process on target language texts and the scope of jurisdiction of the EU courts and the national court, both of which affect the subject matter of judgments

    Two-tiered approach to quality assurance in legal translation at the Court of Justice of the European Union

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    The objective of this chapter is to identify the key aspects of Quality Assurance (QA) affecting the quality of translations at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The chapter starts with a brief clarification of the terms connected with QA, which are quite often used interchangeably and imprecisely. The next two sections set the background for the analysis by exploring the current language arrangements at the CJEU and associated challenges and by discussing two standards that are relevant to the field of legal translation, namely EN-15038: 2006 and ISO 17100. The main part of the chapter proposes a two-tiered approach to translation quality at the CJEU. It is argued that it can be conceptualized at two interrelated levels, namely the human resources level and workflow level. While the human resources level comprises, inter alia, in-house lawyer-linguists, external contractors, revisers, auxiliary staff and project managers, the workflow level consists of measures aimed at achieving proper structurization of the translation process as well as intra- and interinstitutional co-operation

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts

    Quality aspects in institutional translation

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    The purpose of this volume is to explore key issues, approaches and challenges to quality in institutional translation by confronting academics’ and practitioners’ perspectives. What the reader will find in this book is an interplay of two approaches: academic contributions providing the conceptual and theoretical background for discussing quality on the one hand, and chapters exploring selected aspects of quality and case studies from both academics and practitioners on the other. Our aim is to present these two approaches as a breeding ground for testing one vis-à-vis the other. This book studies institutional translation mostly through the lens of the European Union (EU) reality, and, more specifically, of EU institutions and bodies, due to the unprecedented scale of their multilingual operations and the legal and political importance of translation. Thus, it is concerned with the supranational (international) level, deliberately leaving national and other contexts aside. Quality in supranational institutions is explored both in terms of translation processes and their products – the translated texts